A Special Place for Horses and Humans

Special Equestrians of Georgia (SEG) has a focused goal, to provide a supportive environment that empowers all types of riders, through equine assisted activities, to reach their full potential. How they execute on that goal, is a beautiful mix of programs that focus on the need of the individual.

Their therapeutic riding program is specifically design for people with special needs to provide benefits including increased independence, improved self-esteem and confidence, as well as positive social interactions. This program is supported by SEG’s two PATH certified instructors, a licensed Occupational Therapist and a licensed Physical Therapist to assist those with needs.

One of those PATH instructors is Stacey Edwards, SEG’s Founder, Lead Instructor and Program Director. In the fall of 2007, after much experience in the field of therapeutic riding, Stacey founded SEG. By use of her extensive knowledge, she felt it was possible to reach even more children and adults with special needs in the North Georgia counties. Through her network, Stacey has been able to build and grow SEG to what it is today.

In addition to therapeutic riding, SEG also offers unique programs like Mini Horse Outreach. The program brings the magic of horses to children and adults who, due to illness or disability, can not come to the farm. Using specially trained and housebroken miniature horses, SEG travels into the community on “mini” visits to schools, hospitals, rehabs, nursing homes, and special events for both the special needs and  community at large.

The work at SEG continues to grow and expand beyond the organization’s wildest dreams. Through these great programs, and with the help of the horses, individuals are allowed to process thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and patterns that often act as a metaphor to real life. That is the true reward in the work done at SEG.